In the past 5 years, since we continued this project from its previous maintainer, we frequently get suggestions, improvements or reportings about potential issues, also security related. Due to the amount of the requests and our internal proceedings, usually no direct contact or interaction happens. We do take the time to look at any of Read more >
News – An overview site part of for all Creatives
Looking at the past months, things turn out to be quite successfull regarding the growth of the platform. It is therefore our motivation to continue our goal to offer an easy compensation model for creators and supporters alike. To be able to do this best, we like to introduce a new overview site: While Read more >
We have added something new to Opendesktop: Collections. Collections are essentially like products, only that they contain already existing products instead of being one on its own. Anyone can use collections to easily combine related products that are otherwise residing in seperate categories. A collection can therefore consist of own or other products, so it Read more >
Opendesktop now with Matrix/Riot Chat as libre service
Tired of providing your phone number and getting spam that matches your last conversation topics? As of today, any user can use Matrix, a 100% libre and decentralized messenging server. After Discourse and Gitlab, this is our third libre 3-rd party service application. To easily use it, you find a new icon called “Chat” Read more >
Improving Quality: Licenses part II and Misuse Report
With the possibility to display the license under which item is released, there is now a link in the sidebar of each product called “Report Misuse”. When clicked, it allows registered users to report products who look like they do not have a proper license or the license is conflicting with the product on display. Read more >
Main site and Forum now use same account-data
Today we enabled SSO for the forum, meaning that anyone who already has an account at now doesnt need to add an extra forums account, but can login with same username and password. Further, older accounts that were seperate before should be matched and marged, so older seperate forums accounts should still work and Read more >
Sources and Licenses
Starting this month, products eligible to participate in receiving plings are required to do so under a valid libre license. Further some product categories ask the contributor to point to an online source(-code) repository of that exact product uploaded. The reason for that is not to just providing the source-code within the file archive itself, Read more >
Introducing Monthly Payouts
On May 1st we started our beta testphase to compensate creators for their contributions on a voluntary base. After 5 months of testing, we feel confident to roll it out publicly to anyone contributing to the Opendesktop to keep the platform growing for the benefit of everyone who enjoys OpenSource and Free/Libre Software and Content. Read more >
Opendesktop App released

The official Opendesktop App has been released and is available for download here: Opendesktop App allows you to “Install” and “Manage” any items downloaded under “My Collection”. Starting with wallpapers, it is also possibly to directly “Apply” an item from within the App, so a picture is then set as current background under most Read more >
External Files from Github
It is now possible to directly link to files on Any such links are then shown in the File Download section and counted normally.